Embed QA in your DevOps processes

Integrate continuous testing into your CI/CD pipelines.

Get faster feedback on quality.

climbing cogs
space plane
Benefits of DevOps Integration

How will a DevOps/QA Integration help me to deliver my software faster?

Efficiency in software delivery is critical.

An effective DevOps integration will:

  • Maximise efficiency through automation.
  • Facilitate business agility.
  • Increase speed to market.
  • Detect defects earlier.
  • Create repeatability in your build and deployment process.
  • Increase collaboration between teams.
  • Improve real-time metrics and reporting.
  • Improve process ROI.

Seamlessly fuse DevOps & QA for
bug-free brilliance!

How We Can Help

Unite DevOps and QA for a seamless process, from inception to perfection

DevOps provides feedback on the build, code, application security, and quality by integrating build, configuration management, static code, security analysis, unit testing, and real-time metrics into a suite of automated processes.

luvo Testing has a full-service suite of technical expertise across the tools and processes required to support the uplift of QA across your DevOps journey.

Accelerate Automation


  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Empower orchestration using “Infrastructure as Code”
  • Optimise deployments
  • Innovate faster with automation
  • Expand automation across processes
  • Maximise ROI

Improve Monitoring & Observability


  • Speed up feedback on builds and deployments
  • Enable real-time monitoring across all environments
  • Prioritising for subsequent releases
  • Improved logging and tracing in real-time
  • Self-service tools for application diagnostics information

Continuous QA Activities


  • Static code analysis
  • Automated unit and integration tests
  • Use of stubs and mocks for system integration test
  • Target delivery with real-world needs

Project Delivery & Governance


  • The product lifecycle starts with delivery
  • Focus on culture, communication, good governance, & ability to deliver quickly
  • Implementing the right technical expertise & infrastructure to turn your ideas into reality

Include Security (DevSecOps)


  • Detect security vulnerabilities within code
  • Apply threat modelling
  • Implement OWASP activities

Manage Organisational Change


  • Identify impacted teams and division
  • Assess change readiness
  • Develop communication and training plans
  • Identify business and technical processes impacted
Software Testing Resources

Sharing the knowledge. Improving your testing outcomes.

Can ChatGPT effectively generate test casesTesting
12 May 2023

Can ChatGPT effectively generate test cases?

We tried an experiment with ChatGPT to see how well it understood a statement written as a “business rule” and whether it could analyse it to create a set of…
QA frameworkTesting
26 April 2023

Creating a risk-based Quality Assurance Framework

As technology advances, organisations must stay on top of their Quality Assurance (QA) activities to ensure they are not exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. A well-considered QA framework can be…
bug spotterTesting
20 December 2022

How to choose the right devices for mobile testing

When it comes to mobile testing, selecting the ideal devices is very dependent on your requirements. The functionality, user interfaces, performance, and other factors will vary based on the device…
Drop us a line

Tell us about your testing or QA needs

Email us at [email protected],

call us on 1300 00 LUVO, or use the form below: