Quality Engineering

Optimise your SDLC to drive better outcomes with increased velocity & less cost.

leap of faith
Quality Engineering Services

Deliver quality quicker when evolving your software

Customers expect systems and applications to be functionally rich, accessible across multiple technologies, and to just work every single time.

luvo Testing will help you to exceed your customer’s expectations by implementing quality engineering practices that:

  • Shift quality practices left, focusing on QA activities early in the SDLC.
  • Optimise your software lifecycle by identifying quality risks upfront.
  • Accelerate delivery through improving technology planning and adoption.
  • Reduce the cost of quality by executing a proven strategy with your delivery teams.

Quality added, uncertainty removed.

Get in touch today and we'll share our proven methods.

How We Can Help

Building a tailored strategy using the testing practices, tools and automation solutions that fit your company's needs.

Optimise Delivery


Your customers have a need for speed… but not at the expense of quality.

We can assist you with streamlining your SDLC practices, whether it’s Agile, Waterfall or hybrid methodologies, we will help your teams realise their product and quality goals faster.

Helping you deliver quality software, with increased efficiency.

Automation Intelligence


Applying the right Test Automation solutions at the right time, and combining this with emerging AI technology, allows you to fully test (and regression test) systems before release.

You can also streamline your business practices by replacing repetitive manual processes in production. Freeing up your people and budget from labour-intensive tasks, delivering value to your customers and satisfaction to your team.

Identify Quality Risks Early


Using proven frameworks to identify quality, product, project and business risks early enables the development of effective strategies to mitigate these risks.

Determining what, when and how to perform non-functional tests earlier in the lifecycle optimises defect detection and therefore resolution, reducing the risks to delivery.

Building Quality In


Optimise the quality of your delivery by building it into the process from the beginning.

Implementing continuous code analysis, with integrated automated testing, will enable earlier detection of defects, reducing the cost of rework.

Tools Review


The wrong choice of tools can create inefficiencies in your processes, in turn resulting in delivery challenges and also impacting the quality of the product.

Our specialists can review your tools and their integrations within your development processes. We’ll advise on the best ways to optimise your frameworks and practices using your existing tool suite and advise of any other tools and frameworks that may be a good fit.

Continuously Test


Integrate CI/CD platforms with static code analysis tools and automated unit and system integration tests.

By executing continuous testing during the CI/CD pipelines, quality metrics can be captured in live dashboards, highlighting key defects and areas of concern.

Benefits of Quality Engineering

Context driven testing practices

Performing Software Testing (a primary QA activity) late in the development cycle can result in late project delivery and poor quality outcomes.

Instead, the implementation of quality engineering practices that focus on building in the quality upfront will detect issues earlier, and will drive down the cost of the resolution of these issues across the SDLC.

Embracing static analysis tools and executing automated Unit and Integration testing in CI/CD pipelines will provide continuous quality feedback.

Our approach supports both traditional and modern development methodologies and is flexible enough to adapt to changing skills, competencies, practices, and requirements.

space plane
Software Testing Resources

Sharing the knowledge

Can ChatGPT effectively generate test casesTesting
12 May 2023

Can ChatGPT effectively generate test cases?

We tried an experiment with ChatGPT to see how well it understood a statement written as a “business rule” and whether it could analyse it to create a set of…
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Creating a risk-based Quality Assurance Framework

As technology advances, organisations must stay on top of their Quality Assurance (QA) activities to ensure they are not exposing themselves to unnecessary risk. A well-considered QA framework can be…
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20 December 2022

How to choose the right devices for mobile testing

When it comes to mobile testing, selecting the ideal devices is very dependent on your requirements. The functionality, user interfaces, performance, and other factors will vary based on the device…
Lets talk today.

Stop leaving quality to chance, leave it to luvo.

Email us at [email protected],

call us on 1300 00 LUVO, or use the form below: